» » » » V-SPHERE™ - 3D Sliding Spherical Puzzle


V-SPHERE™ - 3D Sliding Spherical Puzzle




The V-Cube spherical V-sphere rotational puzzle consists of 8 fixed colored curved triangles. 7 of these are surrounded by 12 mobile colored rectangular pieces, while the last triangle is surrounded by 11 pieces, so there is always an empty space. This empty space allows the user to rotate the moving parts around the sphere.
The goal of the puzzle is to match the movable and colored square parts with their fixed triangular counterparts. It's a spherical and captivating 3D rotational puzzle that challenges, excites and amazes people of all ages. It is simply impossible for anyone to put this riddle away before it is solved! The V-Sphere is a light but sturdy puzzle with bright and lasting colors and the most pleasant rotation mechanism you can imagine!


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